Hepatitis C - Natural Management & Treatment

Hepatitis C is recognized to be an infectious liver disease which is caused by the virus. As an individual is infected by this virus, he or she might be experienced the symptoms, which are caused owing to the inflamed liver. It can result in liver cancer, liver failure, and death.

Symptoms of hepatitis C

Most people who have hepatitis C live with chronic infection. Here is a list of a few of the prominent symptoms of  hepatitis C:

  • Easy bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Easy bruising
  • When it takes a long time for the stoppage of bleeding
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore muscles
  • Joint pain
  • Swelling in legs
  • Dark colour urine
  • Sore muscles
  • Stomach pain
  • Swelling of belly
  • Itchy skin
  • Loss of weight
  • Yellowed skin and eyes
  • Loss of appetite

Causes of hepatitis C

Here are a few of the prominent causes of hepatitis C:

  • Sexual activities
  • Usage of drugs
  • Childbirth
  • Being born between the years of 1945 to 1965

Natural Remedies to Treat Hepatitis C

When using a remedy or supplements, the person with hepatitis C should consult their doctor for its effects on their body. Taking the wrong supplements can worsen the condition and its symptoms.

Here is a list of the effective remedies that can be useful for the treatment and management of hepatitis C:


It is important for the person living with Hepatitis C to practice a healthy lifestyle. Introduce yoga and meditation to their regimen. A person should be mindful about the risk of spreading hepatitis C to others and should not share their things like razors, toothbrushes etc. with others as potentially Hepatitis can be passed to others if they come in contact with their infected blood.


In accordance with the research, probiotics play a vital role in bestowing protection to the liver as the beneficial bacteria; present in the gut is effective in the promotion of health of the liver. It also enables the proper functioning of the liver. It plays an indispensable role in the improvement of the defence of the immune system in a manner that it can fight the growth of pathogens, the lead cause of the disease.


Zinc is required for the proper functioning of the liver. It is effective in boosting immunity. According to several studies, different zinc supplements are useful in bringing an improvement in the different symptoms of hepatitis C. This powerful antioxidant is useful for individuals, who suffer from hepatitis C virus.

Vitamin D

According to researches, people suffering from chronic hepatitis C have a deficiency of vitamin D as it requires storage in fatty tissues as well as liver. Getting an adequate amount of vitamin D is effective in enhancing the immune system of the body. It also plays a vital role in bringing an improvement in concentration and mood. It also helps in fighting diabetes.

Black seed oil

The black seed oil contains anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, immune-stimulating and anti-oxidant properties. Thymoquinone, a compound present in the oil bestows protection to the liver from different injuries via different mechanisms such as scavenging of the free radicals, the elevation of the glutathione level. It also prevents liver damage.

Say no to alcohol and drug

In case people are suffering from liver disease, it becomes really difficult for the liver to break down the liver in no time, leading to toxicity and inflammation. In addition to this, it is really difficult for the liver to absorb different essential nutrients owing to alcohol. Hence, the consumption of alcohol can lead to mineral and vitamin deficiency that can make the symptoms of hepatitis C really worse.

Consumption of well-balanced diet

Loss of weight and loss of appetite contribute to being the symptoms of hepatitis C. Thus, in case people have this virus, it is essential for them to consume a well balanced and healthy diet so that they can get the prerequisite minerals and vitamins. In case you are experiencing any sort of digestive issues, you should intake water and smaller meals, frequently throughout the day.