What is the best natural treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome ?

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) contributes to being the inflammatory disorder in which the immune system of the individual attacks the nerves, causing symptoms such as tingling, numbness, pain and weakness. These symptoms have an impact on the fingers, limbs and toes. In addition to this, they can get spread to other body parts.

Causes of Guillain Barre Syndrome

The exact cause of Guillain Barre Syndrome remains unknown. This disorder is generally seen in people after they have had digestive and respiratory tract infection. The protective covering of the nerves called as myelin sheath gets affected which prevents nerves from transmitting signals to your brain. It has been mainly seen in men or young adults causing weakness, numbness or paralysis.

Symptoms of Guillain Barre Syndrome

Here is a list of a few of the symptoms of Guillain Barre Syndrome:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Fatigue
  • Troubles during climbing or walking
  • Encountering issues at the time of making facial expressions
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Challenges with different intestinal functions and bladder control
  • Sweating abnormalities
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Rapid heart rate


Home Remedies that can help Guillain Barre Syndrome  include:

Pain relievers

Pain is known to have an impact on GBS patients. It can also result in immobility and distress. The treatment of pain is dependent on the severity and presence of the symptoms. In case the pain is moderate or mild, natural painkillers are helpful.

Few of the natural painkillers are inclusive of:

Peppermint and lavender essential oil

You should take a few drops of this oil into the hands and rub the blend on the back of the lower neck, back of the neck, temples, forehead, or achy areas. It is possible to dilute the same by mixing them with coconut, grapeseed or almond oil. This combination plays an indispensable role in the reduction of muscle pain. It is also useful in the alleviation of the sore muscles.

Epsom salt

You need to soak warm water and Epsom salt in the bath with an eye to procuring relief from painful muscles. It is also effective in relaxing those tense muscles.


Yoga, gentle stretching is also useful in the prevention of symptoms of Guillain Barre Syndrome. Instead, you can opt for a foam roller and then move to massage the tight areas in a gentle manner. It is also effective in bringing an improvement in the circulation.


  • It functions by the stimulation of trigger points with an eye to bringing a reduction in the disability or pain.
  • Treatment of different GI problems like weight loss and constipation
  • GBS can cause pain in the stomach, bloating of stomach, changes in the appearance of stool, constipation. In accordance with the severity of the symptoms, it is essential to treat the same with motility agents, gastric decompression, parental nutrition, etc.

Here are few of the options in which you can bestow support to the digestive system at the time of recovery:

  • Avoid those medicines which can make the symptoms of constipation really worse
  • Intaking abundant fluids and water for the prevention of dehydration
  • Usage of natural laxatives to treat constipation. Few of these products are inclusive of dates, prunes, castor oil packs, psyllium husk, chia seeds, flax seeds, leafy green vegetables, aloe vera, and coconut water. In addition to this, you can procure probiotic food products such as kombucha, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, etc.